Customizing Receipts

Customizing your emailed receipts is a simple way to add a logo, company info, enable a map, and direct your customers to Facebook, Twitter and Yelp profiles.  You can even write a custom note to your customers.

Customizing your receipts: 

  1. Sign in to your PayHQ account using the same credentials as your mobile app.
  2. Click on Settings on the top right corner.

  1. Upload a logo by selecting on Upload Image.
    • We support the following image types: jpg, gif, and png files less than 2 MB in size.

  1. Update your company's information in the fields.

  1. If your business is on social media, you can update receipts to link directly to your pages. When left blank, that particular website will not display on the receipt.

  1. Edit the custom message at the bottom of the receipt to thank your customers, let them know about upcoming events or promotions or direct them to your personal website.

  1. Under 'Options' you can enter your Tax ID, you can also BCC receipts a copy of every receipt to the address provided. 

    Français? Click the drop down list under Language to change the information in your receipts to French.

    If you're using Mobile HQ, the receipt can include a map of where the transaction took place. You can toggle the map display by clicking ON/OFF.

    If you have multiple users, you can display their name by clicking ON/OFF

  2. Click on Save to save your receipt.


You now have customized email receipts for each and every transaction! 

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