Downloading the Payfirma MobileHQ App - Android

You can download the Payfirma MobileHQ app directly from Google Play Store.

  1. Open Google Play Store on your Android device.

  1. Type "Payfirma MobileHQ" in the search bar.

  1. You'll see MobileHQ as the first result. Tap on it to select the app for download.
  2. Tap "Install" to start the download process. You'll be presented with a list of permissions and parts of your device that the app will interact with.  


  1. Tap "Accept" to begin downloading and installing the app.

  1. Then tap the icon from your home screen or application list to launch the Payfirma MobileHQ app.  
  2. Click "Sign in" from the launch screen, and you'll be taken to the log-in screen to enter your credentials.


Note: In order to download an application from the Google Play Store, you will need a Google account. If you don’t already have an account, you will be prompted to do so before being able to download the application. For more information, visit Google's help center. 

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